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Service and Usage Agreement

HomepageService and Usage Agreement


Parties to the Agreement: This Service Agreement ("Agreement") is entered into between Bahadır Acar Modeser ("Service Provider") on one side, and the customer ("Customer") purchasing services through the website modeser.com.tr on the other side.

Subject of the Agreement: This Agreement encompasses the provision and terms of use of design, domain, software, hosting, advertising, and corporate services ("Services") provided by the Service Provider through the modeser.com.tr website.

Provision and Use of Services

  • Nature of Services: The Services are personalized to meet the customer's needs and are digital contents provided in an electronic environment.
  • Usage Conditions: The Customer undertakes to use the Services only in compliance with legal and ethical standards.
  • License Rights: The use of Services grants a limited license under the terms specified in this Agreement.

Pricing and Payment

  • Fees: The fees payable for the Services are the amounts specified during the ordering process and are subject to change by the Service Provider at any time.
  • Payment Terms: The Customer is obligated to pay the fees in accordance with the specified payment conditions and timelines.

Intellectual Property

  • Ownership: All intellectual property rights related to the Services belong to the Service Provider or licensors.
  • Violations and Sanctions: In the event of any violation of intellectual property rights by the Customer, the Service Provider reserves the right to resort to legal actions.

Privacy and Data Protection

  • The protection and processing of the Customer's personal data will be carried out in compliance with relevant legislation.

Responsibilities and Warranties

  • Limited Warranty: The Services are provided "as is," and the Service Provider does not warrant suitability for any specific purpose or performance.
  • Limitation of Liability: The Service Provider cannot be held responsible for indirect damages arising from the use of the services.

Termination and Conclusion of the Agreement

  • Termination Right: Both parties may terminate this Agreement under specific conditions.
  • Consequences: In the event of termination of the Agreement, the Customer must immediately cease the use of the services.

Dispute Resolution

  • Any dispute between the parties shall be resolved in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Turkey, and the courts of Ankara shall have jurisdiction.

Other Provisions

  • Amendments: No changes to this Agreement will be valid unless made in writing.
  • Entirety and Validity: This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes all prior written or oral agreements. The invalidity or unenforceability of any provision of the Agreement does not affect the validity of other provisions.
  • Binding Nature and Assignment: This Agreement is binding on the parties and their successors and may not be assigned without the written consent of the parties.
  • Waiver: Non-exercise of any right or failure to punish any breach does not imply a waiver of that right or provision.
  • Notices and Communications: All communications between the parties must be made in writing via registered mail, email, or fax.

Effective Date: This Agreement comes into effect when the Customer starts using the services on the modeser.com.tr website.


  • Service Provider: Bahadır Acar Modeser [Digitally signed.]
  • Customer: [Customer Name and Signature] (Electronic approval accepted through the website.)


Introduction: These Terms of Use apply to the use of the modeser.com.tr website ("Site") owned by Bahadır Acar Modeser. By using the Site, you are deemed to have accepted these terms.

Access to the Site

  • Access Conditions: Access to the Site is free; however, some services may be chargeable.
  • User Account: Creating a user account may be required to access certain services.
  • Security and Privacy: Ensuring the security of your user account is your responsibility.

Intellectual Property Rights

  • Copyrights: All content, software, designs, and trademarks on the Site belong to Bahadır Acar Modeser or licensors and are protected by copyright laws.
  • Usage Restrictions: You may use the content solely for personal and non-commercial purposes. Copying, distributing, or using the content for commercial purposes is prohibited.

Site Usage

  • Prohibited Behaviors: Engaging in illegal, harmful, threatening, defamatory, or copyright-infringing activities on the Site is prohibited.
  • Your Responsibilities: You must comply with all applicable local, national, and international laws while using the Site.

Third-Party Links

  • The Site may contain links to third-party websites. Bahadır Acar Modeser is not responsible for the content or privacy policies of these sites.

Changes and Updates

  • Bahadır Acar Modeser reserves the right to change these Terms of Use and the Site content at any time.

Disclaimer of Liability

  • Disclaimer of Warranty: The Site is provided "as is" and without any warranties.
  • Limitation of Liability: Bahadır Acar Modeser shall not be liable for any indirect or incidental damages arising from the use of the Site.

Dispute Resolution

  • Any disputes arising from these terms and your use of the Site will be resolved in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Turkey.


  • If you have any questions or complaints, you can contact Bahadır Acar Modeser through customer service.

General Terms

  • These Terms of Use constitute the entire agreement between the user and Bahadır Acar Modeser, superseding all prior communications.
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